Thursday, April 8, 2010

Armando's 2010 Show Season

Well, I thought that I would blog about Armando's shows as they happen or are about to happen rather than post the whole list as a schedule. He started the season off just right with a show close to home at the Eastern Shore Community College in Melfa on 02/27/10. It was a heritage celebration featuring local artists - watercolorist Diana Davis and famed folk artist Mary Onley (Mama Girl) to name a few. The new atrium was the perfect staging ground with all of its windows because the weather could not have been any more bright and cheerful and sunny. Everyone was in a spectacular mood.

The Main Street Gallery in Cambridge, MD picked up Armando's work for the "Green show" which runs from March 5 - May 3, 2010. He begain incorporating recycled materials, such as glass and wood, into his pieces beginning last fall and it ties in quite nicely with the exhibit.

The Spring Arts & Crafts show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center ran from 03/19-03/21/2010 and between the Shamrock Marathon and the Mary Kay cosmetics conference it was hard to believe that everyone could be accommodated but they were and it was an overall success.

horseshoe nail jewelry shoe

Coming up this month:

Daffodil Festival on Chincoteague, VA,

East Beach, Norfolk VA,

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